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Show-Me Procurement 2023 MAPP Conference and Vendor Expo

Date and Time

Monday, September 25, 2023, 1:00 PM until Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 12:00 PM


Oasis Hotel and Convention Center
Property Website
2546 N Glenstone Ave
Springfield , MO  65803

Event Contact(s)

Kara M. Daniel, NIGP-CPP, CPPB
Program Chair
417-523-0225 (p)


Annual Conference

Registration Info

Registration is closed

About this event

Join us for the 2023 MAPP Conference and Vendor Expo 


When: September 25-27, 2023

Where: The Oasis Hotel and Conference Center Springfield, MO

Springfield Area Guide –
Coupons– Link to restaurants and attractions. The hotel coupons do not apply to group reservations.

Show-Me Procurement - with a focus on procurement leadership, communication and adapting to our new normal

Hotel Rates:

$98.00 Deluxe, Poolside, Pool view or Courtyard
$209.00 King Suite
$329.00 Paradise Suite (plus applicable taxes)

Room block cutoff is 30 days prior to the event.  Our room blocks are booking up quickly.  If the link below shows sold out please contact the hotel directly to check availability. 

Booking Online – is currently down.
To book please contact sales at  or the hotel main line.

Sales Direct: 417-522-7714 or 

Hotel: 417-866-5253

Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities



  • MAPP Members:
    • $150.00 (full conference and offered meals)
    • Daily Fees:  Day One $50, Day Two $60, Day Three $50

    MAPP is pleased to invite attendees from our area and local chapters of NIGP to attend our conference at the same rates.

  • NIGP Chapter Members:
    • $150.00 (full conference and offered meals)
    • Daily Fees:  Day One $50, Day Two $60, Day Three $50
    (Upon registration NIGP & Chapter memberships will be verified)
  • NIGP Members Not Affiliated with a NIGP Chapter:
    • $175.00 (full conference and offered meals
    • Daily Fees:  Day One $55, Day Two $65, Day Three $55
    • (Upon registration NIGP memberships will be verified)


  • NON-MAPP/NIGP Chapter Attendees: 

    Non-member Rates (for public procurement professionals not affiliated with NIGP or a Chapter of NIGP. Vendors are not allowed to register as a non-member). 

    • $215.00 (full conference and offered meals)
    • Daily Fees:  Day One $65 Day Two $85, Day Three $65

  • Guest Rate (must be accompanied by a conference attendee): 

    This will cover breakfast on days two and three, dinner on day one, and access to social events.

    • $85.00


Registrations may be paid for via debit/credit card on the MAPP website or by mailing a check to the following address.


P.O. Box 483

Jefferson City, MO 65102

Tentative Agenda (the agenda is subject to change): 

September 25, 2023
9:30 Registration Opens Paradise Hall

9:30 – 11:00 MAPP Board Meeting (Bora Bora Boardroom)

11:30-12:30 Gary Stoll Luncheon for First-timers, New to the Profession,  and Young Professionals Luncheon (Grand Ballroom)

1:00 Opening Presentation of Colors by the VFW Post 3404 & Pledge of Allegiance, Central High School Kilties, & Welcome from Springfield's Mayor Mr. Ken McClure (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)

1:15-2:45 Plenary Session  Finding the Pattern to Connection through Procurement  (1.5 hours) Lourdes Coss, MPA, NIGP-CPP, CPPO (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)

2:45 Break

3:00-4:30 Procurement Hot Topics - Lightning Networking (1.5 hours) (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)

5:00 Awards Dinner (Plated Meal & Cash Bar) (Coco & Maui Ballroom)

6:30 Social Event hosted by IONWAVE at Big Shots Golf.  The hospitality suite will open immediately following our return from the social event.   The hospitality suite is located in the Sahara room.

September 26, 2023

7:00 Registration opens Paradise Hall

7:00 – 8:00 Breakfast (Buffet) (Coco & Maui Ballroom)

8:15 Welcome

8:30-9:45 Plenary Session The Importance of Purchasing to Improve Processes and Services (1.25 hours) Randy Will, MBA, SPHR (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)

9:45 Break

10:00-11:15 Entity Breakouts - (1.25 hours)
City Moderators:  Moderators: Alice Winkelman, NIGP-CPP, CPPB, Kobey Phelps, Jill Schmitz, NIGP-CPP, CPPB City of Wentzville (Fuji)
County Moderators: Kim Hopkins-Will, MBA, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPPB Christian County & Laura Merriman Greene County (Bora Bora Board Room)
State Moderators: Rachel Hogrefe, NIGP-CPP, CPPB  Dept. of Higher Education & Workforce Development & Nicolle Backes, CPPB,  OA-Purchasing (Kalahari)
MODOT  Room TBD Moderators: Jeff Ball & Juli Smith
Public Education, Utilities, and Special Interests  Moderators: Michelle Bentley, NIGP-CPP, CPPB Springfield Public Schools & Kelli Stinebrook Carthage Water and Electric Plan (Mojave)

11:15-12:30 Break & Lunch  (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)                                                      
12:45-2:00 Plenary Session (1.25 hours)  Leading the Procurement Profession in Challenging Times  Lourdes Coss MPA, NIGP-CPP, CPPO (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)        

Vendor Expo

2:00-5:00 Expo (Grand Ballroom)
2:15-3:00 Learning Lab - The Future of Technology and the Impact on Procurement (.75 hours) Richard Reding with TIERONE TBD (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)        
3:15-4:00 Tentative Repeat Learning Lab - The Future of Technology and the Impact on Procurement (.75 hours) Richard Reding with TIERONE TBD (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)        

5:00 Social Hour Reception (Appetizers & cash bar for Conference Attendees & Vendors) (Grand Ballroom)
6:30 Hospitality Suite (Sahara)

Dinner on  your own


September 27, 2023
7:00 Registration Opens Paradise Hallway
7:00 – 8:00 Breakfast (buffet) (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)

8:15 Welcome

8:30-9:00 Chapter Board Meeting (Coco & Maui Ballroom) VENDORS ARE NOT ALLOW TO ATTEND THIS SESSION

9:00-10:00 Electronic Bidding Today (1 hour) Dan Elliott with IONWAVE (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)
10:00 Break
10:15-11:45 Plenary Session  (1.50 hours) NIGP Business Council Panel Discussion The Evolving Practitioner - Supplier Conversation: Brining Value to the Procurement Profession featuring:  Marcheta Gillespie, Periscope, Cameron Mickey Home Depot, and Ryan Miller Toro  (Coco & Maui Ballrooms)

11:45 Closing/Wrap Up

10 hours

If a cancellation is necessary please contact Kara M. Daniel, NIGP-CPP, CPPB at

Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
Full Conference
Daily Rate - First Day (Half Day)
Daily Rate - Second Day (Full Day)
Daily Rate - Final Day (Half Day)
Board Member Registration
Guest Registration

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